👋🦃Turkey Hands 🦃✋👋

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I dont care what anyone say it's still fun to make or draw turkeys from your hand. 😤😤

Philza sits down next to his children watching them draw turkey hands and smiles at them and tell them how much of a great job they were doing at it. Wilbur and Tommy were trying to outdo each other then when they were finish they would run up to their dad asking ,"Which one do you like more?" Tommy would asked determin that he would win but all his dad would say was,"They are both great,I can't pick which one i like more."then give them a smile. They would run back and repeat those steps over and over,until Philza decided to make a turkey hand himself then shows it to the boys who looks at it then back at him,"That's a bad turkey." Tommy bluntly said. "Yeahh,you shouldn't draw anymore." Wilbur said agreeing with Tommy then the two boys quickly leave their dad alone with all these turkey hands to cleaned up. Philza lets out a sigh,"The turkey wasn't that bad."he said as he picked up some more hands. He sees Tubbo walking in who quickly starts helping his father to pick up the turkey hands earning a small smile in return."Thank you Tubbo." Philza said appreciating the help. Tubbo smiles back,"No problem dad."he said. They picked up the paper turkeys Philaz kept three or four of them while the rest went into recycling. "Hey dad?" Tubbo said shyly. "Hmm what is it?" Philza responds looking at his son who quickly gived him a turkey that he had made. Philza smiles at the turkey then down at  his son,giving him a big hug,"I love it." he said causing Tubbo's eyes to lit up happy that his dad loved it.

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