🕔⏳One Last Time⏳🕔

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Philza ran in and out of the nether porter to see his son,he knew his son wasn't feeling well but he didn't realize that Tommy was on the verge of dying,he sees Dream and runs to him,"Where's my son!? Is he alive?!" He cried out not wanting to lose another son. "He seen better days." Dream response with no emotion in his voice like he didn't care if Philza's son was going to die or not. "Take me to him!" Philza insists,Dream nods his head and takes Phil to see his son who was lying in bed barley staying awake. The dad ran to his child's side and quickly held him in his arms,"Tommy don't go! I can't lose you too!"he cried out with tears falling down his face. "It'll....it'll be okay dad..I'll come back a ghost..like Wilbur....maybe...." The blonde boy said slowly with a smile. "Don't leave me please! Tommy,you gotta stay alive! I'm not ready to let go!" Phil said crying harder then looks down to see Tommy's life slipping away from him,"P-Please don't take him away yet...Don't take away another one of my sunshine!" He yells holding onto Tommy for dear life not wanting to let him go or believe that he was dead quickly making him go in denial.  "We gotta bury him." Dream said with shovel in his hands. "N-No! He's not dead! He's just sleeping,yeah sleeping! It must be a p-prank! Tommy loves to prank people,Haha you can wake up now Tommy!! Please wake up! I beg of you!" Philza sobbed. Dream was about to take Tommy but Philza took his sword out and glares at Dream making him quickly back off,"Just give me some more time with him alone...I'll bury him... he w-would of want this..." Philza said broken and depressed.  Dream nods and leaves the shovel behind,heading to the nether porter leaving Philza alone to mourn for his dead child.

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