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"They all left me.. ..you'd think being president is easy,but it's not,especially if everyone doesn't trust you or like you.. All they see in me is a evil man.. How dare I speak my beliefs, if they don't like it fuck them....god I'm so lonely,it's pathetic really.. Quackity leftme for the other nation... he betray me,I thought I could trust him!" Jschlatt said punching the wall."They act like I'm the bad guy here,which I'm not!" He walks over to his closet getting out a rope,"I'm actually the victim who's just has big dreams and plans in life! Is that so bad?! I guess it is.... if people are now against me..if it was only different maybe I could of still have Quackity by my side... god I miss his humor and how we talk to each other in spanish.. it was kinda cute in a way,but now that things are fucked up I can't have those moments anymore.." he added making a noose then tieing it to the ceiling then wrap it around his neck,"If only..it only it was different.." he said then  purposely kicks the chair away hanging himself in the progress.

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