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Sapnap and Badboyhalo have been fighting for days about the littlest things and it was starting to get on Bad's nerves. Bad hates to fight with anyone especially if it was something they could of avoid and continue their lives without fighting.  The fights were starting to cause Bad stress and he would find himself crying because he felt that the fights were all his fault and that he and Sapnap were going to have to break up. Bad comes out of their room to see Sapnap was on the couch watching tv,"H-Hey babe?" Bad asked walking up to him and sitting down next to his lover.
"Yeah? What is it?" Sapnap asked looking at him.Bad stared at him for a moment taking in how handsome his boyfriend was but then remembers their fights they had ," I annoying or do I annoy you?.."Bad said staring feeling tears down his eyes which in response Sapnap quickly realizes what's happening and hugs him tightly and gives him kisses,"No you aren't.. I love you so much.. I know we've been fighting alot. I know it hurts you because it hurts me as well. I wanted to say I'm very sorry..."Sapnap said. Bad cried softly while listening to his boyfriend then sniffs,"I love you too..can we cuddle and watch a movie,then after that talk things out?" He asked. Sapnap gives Bad another kiss then smiles softly at him,"Of course, anything for you Sunshine."


It's almost October!! I'm ready for it because that means spooktober and I can do many things with that !! :0

I'll post agin later today,:>

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