🥛Broken Glass🥛

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George grabs a glass of water then sits it down at his desk and looked at it for a second then started to think that maybe people and this glass of water have something in common,like how people can be easily broken by the slightest words or by something that hurts them. If you dropped glass it will shatter and break making water go everywhere  that could represent someone hurting another person making them break causing them to cry or bleed. George sighed,"Why do we break so easily? Why can't people be like diamonds? It would be nice to be tough and withhold anything that comes our way but we gotta be weak like glass."He sighed but then smiles to himself "...Heh,maybe that's not a bad thing because like glass people can become stronger..... I need to stop thinking about this kind of stuff people might worry about me." He said then went to play some minecraft.

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