Just one more kiss

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Sapnap sits on George's lap having his arms wrapp around him as he kisses him. "Enough with the kisses! You've been kissing me all day."George said to his boyfriend.  "One more kiss I promise!" Sapnap whines as George let's him kiss him again,"One more." Sapnap said going for another kiss."okay, this is the last one." He kisses him again then again,and again. "Enough! No more you are ban from kissing me!" George exclaimed.  Sapnap frowns,"okayy.." he said sadly earning an groan from his lover. "Fine,one more kiss." George said rolling his eyes at him. "Yes!" Sapnap said with a smile and immediately started  kissing George. "Could I have another kiss please?" He ask . George nods his head getting another kiss from Sapnap. "Okay! I'm done kissing." He said happily. "Wait....One more kiss." George said then places his lips onto his boyfriend's lips feeling him smirk,but he could care less because in the end they both got what they wanted, another kiss.

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