Sleep is for the weak

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Techno has been farming all night in minecraft he's been planting nothing but  potatoes. He hasn't had a break since yesterday he may be hungry,tired,and thirsty but planting potatoes were more important than his health. Wilbur came onto the server and Techno immediately told him to come where he was to show him what he's been working on. Wilbur shortly arrived at the farm and was amazed at how many potatoes  were there. He wasn't expecting that many potatoes he then noticed Techno's eyes and that there were bags under them. "Techno have you been working on this all night?! You should head to bed!" Wilbur said. "Sleep is for the weak. If it doesn't kill me I'm going to continue working untill it gets even bigger,also fill free to have some if you like."Techno said yawning. "I'll destroy all of your hard work if you don't go to sleep." Wilbur threatens him. "Go ahead,then I can remake it and I'll lose even more sleep." Techno said not caring at all. "Fine... Maybe we could compromise?" Wilbur suggested,"Ummm if you sleep I'll do something for you." He adds.
"Like what? You gotta be more specific."Techno said leaning against the wall. Wilbur thought about it what's something that Techno would want and to have. Wilbur couldn't offer power because Techno can just get that if he wanted it,he has potatoes,he could offer subscribers but Techno could just ask on his own and promote himself.  Wilbur sighed not sure what he could want from him ,"What do you want?" He asked. Techno thinks for a moment before grinning,"hmmm,how about if I go to sleep you do whatever I say. Deal?" He asked. Wilbur who only raises his eyebrow at him,"What kind of things will you have me doing?" He asked not sure if he should go through this but if it makes his friend sleep then he doesn't care. "That's a secret.  Deal or no deal? If no deal then I'm staying up." Techno said earning a sigh from Wilbur. "Fine.. deal.." Wilbur said earning a smirk from Techno, "Good,glad you see things my way. The first order I will have you to do is sleep with me. Not like sex but like actually sleeping." He said then grabs Wilbur's hand not waiting for a response then goes to the nearest bed that was around them and got in. Techno immediately wrapped his arms around Wilbur so he wouldn't leave in the middle of the day when he was sleeping. Wilbir really didn't have a choice if he stayed Techno would sleep but if he got out of his grip when sleeping he might wake the other boy up and then he'll stay up continuing to make his farm  while getting even more tired than he already was. He sighed and gived in as he notices Techno was asleep,and also noticed his grip on him  which hasn't loosen up yet. He thought to himself about what kind of mess he had gotten himself into. He stares at Techno he couldn't help but to admire his sleeping friend and how cute and peaceful he looked. He brush some of Techno's hair out of his face and smiled softly at him then decided to sleep because one he didn't want to wake Techno if he got up and two he secretly didn't mind sleeping with him at all.

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