♡Rainy Days♡

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                  ♡Rainy Days♡
  Nick laid on his and Darryl's bed while listening to the rain. Nick missed his boyfriend even though he was in the other room editing or something,but he still missed him.he rolls out of bed and looked out the window watching the rain fall. It was so relaxing to watch and listen  to the rain,he must of zoned out because he didn't notice Darryl coming in their room and wrapping his arms around him. "Oh, hey there  cinnamon bun when did you come in?" Nick asked leaning back against Darryl and pecks his lips."Not to long ago actually. Probably like thirty seconds ago or maybe a minute or two." His lover answers. "I missed you. You took forever. No more editing and recording for the day. Instead give me all of your attention!" Nick said turning around and hugs Darryl who chuckles. "Alright,Alright I will give you my attention. " he said kissing Nick's head then him." Good, you better or else I was gonna stop you myself. "Nick said chuckling as Darryl blushes at him. "Oh my goodness I definitely wouldn't want that! Especially if I'm recording,the fans don't need to hear us making love! I want them to stay pure and innocent muffins!"he said as Nick chuckles about to say something but decides not to because he knows damn well their fans aren't as innocent as bad thinks they are. "Baby,I wanna cuddle while it's still raining and I also want you to relax alittle to. You've been working very hard without a break almost all day,meaning you spent most of the day without cuddling me!." He said pouting then intertwined his fingers with Darryl's while giving him kisses. "Fine,fine okay cupcake. Let's go cuddle." Darryl said easily giving in because he knew nick was right about working all day,and it doesn't hurt to take breaks sometimes. He leads Nick to their bed and Nick instantly cuddles him immediately after they got on the bed earning a chuckle from Darryl, who kisses his head then played with his hair for a few minutes as Nick was slowly getting tired from his lover playing with his hair and while the raining was pouring outside,"I love you." He said tiredly. Darryl smiles at him then gives him some kisses,"I love you too." He said whispering  holdind Nick close as he falls asleep as well.

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