Fat (part 1)

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"God..I look so fat..." George said staring at himself in the bathroom mirror,he only weigh about 179 because of what he was doing,but he still thought he looked fat.  He walks over to the toilet and begins to make himself puke,all the breakfast he had with Dream came right up and into the toilet. There was a knock at the door,"You okay in there,sweetie?" Dream asked from the other side of the door. George lets out a fake cough,"Yeah,ummm I'm just feeling a bit sick ,but I'll be fine!" He said lying. 
"Ohh noo,I must make you soup right away! Once you are out go straight into bed,I'll bring some medicine along with food that will be easy on your stomach. " Dream quickly said.
"Ok thanks Honey..." George said then hears Dream's footsteps quickly walking away from the door,he then flushes the toilet.  "Great..now I'm lying to my boyfriend..." he mumbles before unlocking the door and going straight to bed pretending he was sick.

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