🎂birthday 🎂

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Sapnap cuddles close to his sleeping boyfriend kissing him then looks at the clock that read 6am and decided he will cuddle his lover for a bit before deciding to do anything for today.He then hears his phone buzz and takes it from the nightstand looking at the notification he had got and that it read George's birthday then dismisses it putting the phone back onto his nightstand and went back to cuddling his boyfriend getting an extra hour of sleep.Sapnap wakes up about thirty minutes later to find out that his boyfriend wasn't in the bed still and groaned,"Babe?" He calls out for him hearing no reply he gets up and figures his boyfriend was eating so he heads to the kitchen to find two plates of eggs and bacon on the table.  "Babeee,you shouldn't be making breakfast! It's your birthday, I should be doing that!" Sapnap whines then hugs him. "It's fine it's not a big deal." George said not caring then takes a bite out his eggs. "Well I do care,and today is your day so imma treat you like a prince!" Sapnap said giving his boyfriend a kiss then sits down next to him begins to eat as well,"Today I'll do the cleaning,get you whatever you want!" He added. "Heh you cleaning ? Now I wish everyday was my birthday. " George said jokingly causing Sapnap to roll his eyes at him as they ate together.  Once they were finish Sapnap takes their plate and washes them then places them in the strainer,"welp imma start on cleaning so that way I can cuddle you all day." Sapnap says. "Okay." George said smiling getting and gives him a kiss then let's Sapnap clean as he goes do a birthday live stream. George smiles as his fans were wishing him a happy birthday, he even got a donation of 1000 dollars from Dream wishing him a happy birthday,while George was streaming Sapnap was cleaning making sure he made the house look good enough so that his boyfriend wouldn't nag him about  it then having to clean it himself. When George was finish streaming he went to check up on Sapnap to see how he was doing with the whole cleaning thing and saw the house was clean and tidy, he then looks for Sapnap to find him sleeping on the couch.He walks up to him giving him a kiss then was about to walk away when Sapnap grabs his hand ,"come here." The black haired man said. George smiles ,"I thought you were alseep." He said then lays on top of Sapnap feeling his lovers arms wrapped around him."nah,just resting." His lover replies kissing him. "Later tonight we're going to go out for dinner then when we come home we gonna snuggle and watch a movie." Sapnap said. "Sounds romantic,I would love that." George said giving him a smile. "Happy birthday, I love you." Sapnap said giving his Georgie kisses making him giggle. "I love you too, sunshine." George said happily.

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