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"Tommy!!"Tubbo screams out as Dream falls to his knees feeling tears falling down his cheeks realizing what he had done. He had shot one of his best friends,Tommy, with an arrow,they could of made an agreement but no Dream being him didn't want that so they declared war on each other and this was the result of it.'It wasn't my fault!'Dream kept saying in his head as he was snapped back to reality when he heard Tubbo crying and screaming for his best friend to stay with them,while Wilbur is by their side crying thinking how he not only lost his right hand man but also a friend. "I hope you're happy because we're sure in hell not! He was only a kid with a dream and you took that away from him! Not only that,his love ones had to watch him die right in front of their eyes!"Wilbur said glaring at Dream then looks sadly at Tubbo hugging Tommy's dead body while crying for him to wake up. Dream shakely takes a deep breath then stands up wiping away his tears,"No mercy! We won." He said but in reality he felt like he didn't win at all."Let's go.." Dream said to Eret, George,and Sapnap then started walking off with Dream giving them one last look back at them then continued to walk with his friends leaving Wilbur,Fundy,and Tubbo alone with their dead friend.A week had passed since Tommy's death and Wilbur, Fundy,and especially Tubbo would vist Tommy's grave almost everyday talking about what's going on and happening on the server while placing all types flowers around the grave. One day when the sunset was setting Tubbo was at Tommy's grave,"I miss you.. I wish you didn't die."he said looking like a mess with red puffy eyes,messy hair, his uniform wrinkled and untidy. He wrapped his arms round his legs bringing them to his chest then hides his face in his knees. Tubbo feels a soft hand on his shoulder and slowly looks up to see Wilbur giving him a sorrow look,"I-I miss him..." he said with his voice crackin. Wilbur sits next to Tubbo,"I know... I do too.. This isn't easy for me and Fundy either,but it definitely hasn't been easily for you...."he begins to say to the younger one ,"He's in a better place spreading his energetic personality up in heaven. He may not be alive,but if he was...he would want us to pog through the pain and keep fighting for what we believe in untill this is over.."he said as Tubbo quickly hugs Wilbur who hugs back tightly while rubbing Tubbo's back as he cried. Night was approaching quickly and Wilbur notices the mobs that were spawning, "Let's go... We can come back in the morning to see Tommy but we gotta go. I don't  to have this grave blown up while being here ." He said earning a small nod from Tubbo,as they got up and quickly went back to Wilbur's house to talk . A few minutes after they left Dream,Sapnap, and George came to vist Tommy's grave,"What have I done.. I didn't want things to turn out this way." Dream said gloomily. "Yeah...I feel bad.. things happened so fast and now he's dead." Sapnap said quietly earning a sigh from George,"I wish we had given what they wanted then we would of still be friends if we just work things out." George says."I feel even worse because I'm the damn fool who shot him. " Dream said staring down at the grave then closes his eyes to give Tommy a prayer. Sapnap puts a hand on Dream's shoulder,"We'll apologies in the morning,then give them their freedom." He said earning a silent nod from Dream. "Tommy's death won't go in vain,we'll remember the day he died because that was also the day when he gave freedom to his fellow L'manberg members. "George said. "Yeahh,you're right..Tommy hope you are seeing this and hearing this,we're going to give L'manberg it's freedom. " Dream said. George places a sign  saying forever gone but never forgotten. "I bet he's pog champing or o7 in heaven right now." Sapnap said. "I hope he is,we'll tell Wilbur,Fundy,and Tubbo about this in the morning.Now let's go."Dream said as the three quickly kill off any mobs that were near then went on their way.

Ngl I'm probably gonna do a part two of Fundy's,Wilbur's, and Tubbo's reaction of being free,also did you appreciate the two references i put in here?👀👀. I might be posting angst for the next few days because I'm in an angsty mood .

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