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Dream plays with Sapnap's hair before putting it up in ponytail leaving his bangs where they were, "You have nice hair,I'm jealous!" He said loving how soft it feels and tangle free it was,"No matter how messy your hair is, it seems like it never  gets tangle even if you just woken up it's just messy which makes you even more hot!"  He said gawking over Sapnap's hair. Sapnap laughs,"I just take really good care of my hair that's all,not a big deal. Don't tell me you suddenly gotten a hair fetish or something?" He said jokingly. "What of course not! But if I suddenly did get one you would be the reason why!"Dream laughs then kisses Sapnap's bangs causing him blush and push him away,"Okay,that's enough! No more of that!" He said getting up quickly walking away from his boyfriend who just burst out in laughter and quickly follows behind him to tease him some more.

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