🥚Egged 🥚

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Happy Halloween!!!!:D 🎃👻

Is anyone doing anything for Halloween?

Skeppy and Sapnap decided to hangout with each other,so far they were bored out of their minds there was nothing better to do. Skeppy let out a sigh,"I'm bored.." he complains. "Same,I dont really want to watch a movie either." Sapnap said agreeing.  Skeppy stayed quiet then grins ,"How about we egg someone's houses ? It is halloween after all." He said getting up. "Yeah,let's do that anything is better than being bored to death!" Sapnap said following Skeppy. They went to the kitchen and got eggs out of the fridge,then they left his house to egg a random stranger's house. They approach a random house opening the carton of eggs,they each took an egg and started to throw it at the house. The door suddenly opens with a pissed off Dream ,"SAPNAP!!" He said angrily.  "Oh shit.... why didn't you tell me this was my boyfriend's house!?" Sapnap said. Skeppy laughs ,"You should of asked,but you went along with it,bad choice in life." Skeppy said.  Dream went up to the two boys and started swearing at them while Sapnap kept apologizing to him and Skeppy just laughing thinking it was funny. "Babe,I'm sorry! I'll clean it up!" Sapnap said. "Damn straight you will! You two will clean this up right now!" Dream said annoyed. The two groaned but didn't argue because they didn't want to piss Dream off anymore than they already have,and then starts cleaning the eggs up from the house,once they were done Skeppy went to hang out with bad leaving Sapnap alone with Dream. Sapnap hugs Dream and kisses him,"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to egg your house."The black haired man said feeling guilty.  Dream kisses him back,"I'm still pissed at you,but I know it wasn't your idea." He said. "Thank youu for not thinking that was my idea." Sapnap said with a smile. "Yeahh you could never think of that,you're to dumb." Dream said jokingly. "Hey!!" Sapnap pouts at his boyfriend. Dream kisses him ,"I love youu." He said. "I love you too,you meanie." Sapnap said then they went inside to watch something together.

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