Everything's okay I'm here for you,my little muffin♡

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Zak never liked the whole drama thing,it was never really his thing untill he saw some drama related to his best friend Vincent.  At first he didn't pay mind to it since that wasn't his business but he decided to take a look at his tweets and what's going on Twitter. Zak read the tweets from Vincent he didn't agree with them but he still was gonna be Vincent friend since he still loves him like a brother and were there for each other through thick and thin. He didn't want to see anymore drama between him and thought Vincent could solve this problem on his own and then unfollowed him on his second account. A few days later Zak started a live stream saying that he didn't agree with what A6d had said but he still loved him. He kept it short and simple he didn't need to sugar coat it one bit then went back playing minecraft.  The next day Vincent posted on his Twitter on  how Zak was using him and that it was all an act,which Zak obviously saw and it made him very sad he hated to see one of his closest friend turn on him,and tears begin falling down his face. He couldn't believe this was happening to him he just wanted to live happily with his best friends. He rested his head on his desk as tears kept running down then after a few minutes of crying he sniffs and wipes away his tears and begin texting Darryl about it.  [Hey Baldi..] Zak sent the text to Bad as he waited for about a minute from a reply from Darryl.[I'm not Bald! >:( ] Darryl replied back with a huff. [Yeah yeah whatever..] Zak sent the message with a small smile knowing if anyone could make him feel better during this time it would be Darryl. Darryl notice the lack of energy in Zak's message and slightly frowned and hope everything was okay. [Geppy,are you okay ?? You seem sad alittle especially when you add  the dots.] Bad sends the message and patiently wait for Zak to respond.Zak was hesitate at first the sighs told him- well text him  what had happened which mad Darryl frowned he hated when his friends were sad and wanted to do anything to make them happy,sure what Vincent did was wrong but Darryl believed that people can change over time and would never judge anyone on what they did because people make mistakes,some people forgive and some people don't,and Darryl wasn't one to hold grudges at all. Darryl thought for a moment then asked Zak if he wanted to come over to his house because Zak sounded like he needed a hug and Darryl was willing to give hugs to his friends anyday. Zak agreed and said he'll be over in thirty minutes but he has to get ready first. Zak went to his bathroom to splash water on his face so that he doesn't look like he's been crying and then got his shoes,phone,keys,then head out of his house and locked his door then drives to Darryl's house. Darryl got some snacks out and put on a comdey movie because that what cheers him up sometimes when he's sad. Darryl hears his door bell go off and goes to the door and opens it seeing Zak who immediately hugs him. Darryl hugs Zak back tightly ,"Oh my goodness Geppy,You could of said hello first." He said jokingly trying to lighten the mood alittle then notice Zak not responding but he did notice his shirt getting wet. "Come on muffin head, no need to be sad, cheer up! Today may be a bad day or a week but you're gonna be okay. Everything will be fine don't focus on the negative thoughts but on the good ones! When the day comes Vincent will apologize and you guys will become friends again,but right now he needs to figure out on his wrong doing and doesn't have to do it alone either! I know you can't forgive him or make you forgive him but what I can do is do my best by helping you both!" Darryl said with a small smile as he played with Zak's hair. Zak listen to his friend and wipes his eyes  then smiles,"Hey thanks.. Baldi." He said really glad Darryl was his best friend. "Hey!! I'm not bald!" Darryl said pouting then smiles,"Come on,I prepared comedy movies and have snacks waiting for us!" He said finally closing his front door and locking it  because he kinda forgot about it for a second. "Heh thank you Bad." Zak said as Darryl smiled  at him ,"No problem,I'm always here for you and my friends." He smiles as he takes Zak's hand and leads him to the couch to have a movie night along with snuggles, and  not letting him go until Zak was ready to go or let him stay the night whichever Zak preferred,either way he didn't mind and all he cared about was if Zak was happy.

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