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George laid in bed feeling guilty about the whole lying to his boyfriend while Dream was getting him some soup and medicine. The door opens as Dream came in ,"How are you feeling?" He asked setting the  soup and medicine down on the nightstand. George stayed silent before tear came down his face,"Are you okay?!" Dream asked quickly hugging George giving him some kisses to calm him down. George sniffs,"I'm sorry Dream..I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I lied to you...about being sick.." he said as he feels Dram playing with his hair listening  to George. "Why did you lie?" He asked calmly. "I hated how fat I felt and look." George answers truthfully.  Dream smiles and kisses George,"You're beautiful,there's nothing wrong with alittle chonk  in life." He kisses his boyfriend all over his face,then kisses his neck,chest,arms,stomach,and lastly his thighs causing George to blush,"I don't care what size you are,you're perfect to me cupcake." Dream said kissing his lover's thighs again ,"Imma help you through this,and make you love and worship yourself .".  Dream says wiping  George's tears away  earning a smile from him,"Thank you.. I love you." He says. "No problem, I'm always here for you,I love you too cinnamon bun."Dream said giving his boyfriend one last kiss.

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