Trying to sleep

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I'm bad at titles-


"Dreammm you're being to loud! I'm trying to sleep!" Sapnap whines to his boyfriend who was playing a game on his phone and yelling at some bs reason that happened on there. "Heh,sorry I'll try to be quiet ." Dream said apologetic The raven haired boy groans knowing that was a lie because if  something else happens he know Dream will complain about it. Unfortunately Sapnap was right Dream started shouting two minutes after causing Sapnap to sit up and crawl over  to Dream giving him a kiss."Oh shit sorry!" Dream whispers to him. "I definitely know you can be louder than that,and since I know we're both not going to sleep anytime soon sooo we should have some fun,you can be loud as you want and by the end of it I can go to sleep~ sound like a plan?" Sapnap asked with a smirk on his face. Dream lets out a nervous laugh,"What did you have in mind?" He asked earning a chuckle from the other. "You're about to find out~." Sapnap replies.

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