Forgetting Something❓

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Techno and Wilbur were walking around the mall going into random stores seeing if there's anything worth buying,they were currently in Hot Topic looking at the anime merch,"Techno, have we forgotten something?" Wilbur asked. "I don't think so. I have my wallet, phone, and keys so I'm not forgetting any of those things. Are you missing something Wilbur?" Techno replies. Wilbur thought about it,Techno was right he wasn't forgetting his wallet or anything like that,but something seems missing,"I'm not sure,it'll come to us eventually. " Wilburs answers as they shopped for alittle bit then went to buy some lunch from the food court then sat down at a tabel."Did you figure out what you were missing?" Techno asked eating his hamburger. Wilbur shakes his head no,picking up a fry then quickly drop it realizing they haven't forgotten anything but they had forgotten someone,"Shit! Tommy!! We left the demon child in the car! Dad is gonna kill us for leaving him in there!" Wilbur said getting up quickly heading to the car with Techno close behind with his hamburger in hands.  Wilbur unlocks the car and quickly opens the doors checking up on Tommy who wasn't happy one bit. "How could you leave me in here! It was bad enough that I couldn't get the car to unlock,but you guys just left me here to suffocate!!" The blonde boy said angrily.  "I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean too! I'll make it up to you! Please don't tell dad!" Wilbur begged. "Oh I'm telling." Tommy said. "We'll buy you ice cream if you don't tell." Techno said.  "Okay deal." Tommy quickly agreeing to that idea then got out of the car. "Thank you Techno,you saved our asses." Wilbur said gratefully . "It's no problem, everyone loves ice cream." Techno bluntly said as they went to get some ice cream to keep Tommy from snitching on them.

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