😨🌃Tommy's Nightmare🌃😨

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Tommy's been having a hard time sleeping lately he keeps having these scary nightmares he even told Philza about it saying how it's probably nothing and that it'll go away even though it hasn't yet,so here Tommy was laying in bed staring at the ceiling slowly drifting to sleep but wakes himself up because he remembers the nightmares he's been having. It was about midnight and he has been up for at least an hour or so fighting the urge to sleep but fails ending up sleeping anyways. Tommy walks down a hallway with no doors until he reaches the end of the hall where there stood one door in view. He knows there's no way in turning back because it would be pointless along with there being nothing back that way,he reaches out to the door knob slowly turning it as his heart races with fear taking over him as he opens the door to see his worst nightmare.Furries. There stood Jschlatt, Techno, Fundy,and Antfrost just minding their own business not really doing anything but still scaring the boy  who just wanting the nightmare to end.  "Get away from me!" Tommy said terrified as Fundy was confused why Tommy was scared of him."What's wrong?"Fundy asked walking towards the blonde teen. "Stay back!" Tommy cried out as he backs up slowly. "Tommy,you idiot. There's nothing to be afraid of." Jschlatt said. "Maybe your face is scaring the boy." Techno responds. Tommy quickly turns around and starts running away from the four with them close behind on his trail, Tommy just wanted to sleep peacefully and have good dreams but this recurring dream was haunting him. "Please leave me alone!" He screams trying to run away but soon comes to a dead end when he comes face to face with a wall and relize he couldn't get away from them. "Tommy,we just want to see if you're okay or not. You're acting strange." Antfrost says. "You can't make me one of you! I refuse to let it happen!" Tommy shouts in fear. "What are you talking about?" Techno asked then slowly reaches his hand out to put on Tommy's shoulder causing the boy to wake up from his dream screaming  that  he wasn't a furry nor wanted to be one. Tommy looks around his room for a good minute which was now lit up by the sun shining through his window and then he sighed in relief that it was only a dream and that it was also morning .


Please don't hurt me for writing  this.

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