👑 His Prince👑

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George was laying down on the couch barely awake when he felt a pair of lips on his knowing already who it was,Dream,his boyfriend,"Dreamm.. I'm trying to sleep." He told his boyfriend tiredly. "I wanna go out. " Dream said giving George another kiss. "Later,right now I wanna sleep." George said to Dream then roles over."George! George!" Dream kept calling his lovers name which Geroge kept ignoring him. Dream kisses George's cheek then turned him back over onto his back earning a groan from the other,"Ohh no! My prince is under a sleeping spell! What shall I ever do?" Dream asked pretending to ponder of what he should do earning a scoff from George. Dream then smirks, "I know! I shall kiss him to make him wake up and go out with me!" Dream said then immediately starts kissing Geroge repeatedly. "Dreamm! Stopp I'm trying to sleep." Geroge said as Dream doesn't stop kissing him. George sighed realizing he won't be able to sleep now then decide to play along making a gasp sound from his lips,"My king! You woke me up from my sleep spell! How can I ever repay you?" Geroge said. "Let me take you out to dinner and then later we can make out." Dream said kissing the other. "Fine,only because you saved me." Geroge said wrapping his arms around Dream's neck returning the kiss,"I love you my king." He adds.

Dream smiles giving George one last kiss,"I love you too,my prince."

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