Sick on Halloween

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Zak started coughing and sniffing almost most of the morning then he  relize that his friend was hosting a hallowen party tonight and  that he cant attend to it if he is sick. Zak has been waiting almost all month to attend to the party,it was Sapnap's Halloween costume party everyone is going dress up ,and he heard from Sap that Dream was going to be a werewolf this year and try to propose to George who was going to be little red riding hood at the party. Zak didn't want to miss that,but unfortunately he did have to miss the party because he had gotten sick.He  had texted his boyfriend Bad all about it and how sad he was that he was going to miss not only the party but also a proposal between his friends. He didn't want to get his friends sick so obviously he stayed home while watching horror movies to keep himself entertained he watched The Shining, Scream,Halloween,and Saw. By the time he had finished Saw it was about 8:30pm,Zak sighed deciding if he should just order a pizza or not  then continue to watch movies . Zak then hears a knock at the door and opens it to see Bad with blankets and some snacks that were mostly candy,"Bad what are you doing here? Why aren't you at the party?" He asked Bad who just smiles at him. "I'm here to spend Halloween with you! I couldn't go to a party knowing you would be miserable all by yourself. " he said. The raven haired boy smiles at Bad and quickly hugs him then allows him in so they could cuddle under the blanket while eating candy and watching tons of Halloween movies all night they even shared a few kisses too.

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