Bloody Mary

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Sapnap,George, and Dream were having a slumber party so far they had watched and made fun of cheesy Halloween movies,ate alot of pizza,and talk about random stuff,after awhile  they were getting bored,"I'm bored! " Nick said for the sixth time. "We know. How about we play a game?" Geroge suggested.  "What kind of game? It better not be truth or dare because that game gets boring after awhile or spin the bottle." Nick said  bluntly. "I got nothing then." George said,"Guess you gotta suffer and be bored then." He adds. Dream thought for a minute then grins,"How about we play a scary game?" He says. "Yes! What kind of game?" Sapnap asked excitedly. George was unsure if they should do the game ,"What if the game is basically Clay chasing us around the house with a knife. I'm not about that getting killed life." George said. "I wasn't thinking about that,but that would be a great game the next time we have a slumber party.  The game is called Bloody Mary! It's such a classic ya know?" Dream said grinning. "Oh great instead of Dream killing us it's someone else who's doing it." George said. "Exactly! I'm pretty great at ideas,no need to say it I know." Dream says earning a groan from the British boy. "Come onnn! Let's get this game started!" Sapnap said getting off the couch along with Dream and George following behind him. They approach the bathroom door and goes inside closing the door behind them. "Readdddy?" Dream asked on a spooky tone earning an excited yes from Sapnap and an eyeroll from George,"Alright,on the count of three we'll start saying Bloody Mary three times."Dream said then turns the lights off ,"Oh and it gotta be completely dark. One,two,three." He said and on three they begin chanting Blood Mary three times then turns the lights on.They waited for something to happen but nothing did,"Boo,that was lame! I was ready to get spooked or something scary to happen to us."Sapnap says disappointed. "Sapnap why do you want to get killed so much?? Should we be worried?" George asked slightly concerned for his friend. "I don't but it would be better than being bored all night!" Sapnap answers. "Oh well,let's go make something to eat then watch more movies I guess,but good horror movies this time." Dream says as the other two agreed then headed out the bathroom forgetting to turn off the light which begins to flicker.

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