Chained up

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Dream went down to his basement where he kept George there chained to the wall without giving him food or water for days all because he was talking to another boy who wasn't him." How's my baby doing today?" Dream asked with a smile. George didn't reply making the other man angry and hitting George,George whimpers in response,"shhhhh I didn't mean to do it,you know I love you baby." Dream cooed while caressing George's face where he had slapped him. "I'll be back in a few hours to check on you." Dream said before leaving. "I need to get out of here.." George said pulling at the chains weakly then looks around to if he could find something in the room to help him escape but there wasn't. George sighed knowing he'll probably die in the room he hasn't been fed for days and it could be any day that he dies and to be honest he hope he does too, anything will be better than being chained up and abused by Dream. Days and weeks went by as George grew weak,feeling even hungrier and dehydrated than ever before, he eventually dies of starvation,but Dream kept his body their admiring it . Over time the body begins to rot but Dream didn't care he kept it in his basement and still loved it as if George was still alive.

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