🎃Pumpkin Patch 🎃

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Sapnap and Dream went a pumpkin patch to pick the perfect pumpkin to carve,yes they could go to the store and buy pumkins but that wouldn't be as much fun if they did that,so they went to a pumpkin farm instead and were amazing at how big pumpkins can grow up to be. "Woah!! This one's so big!" Sapnap said amazed at the one hundred pound pumpkin. "Just like my-" Dream was about to say something but Sapnap cuts him off,"You're not that big,you're like one of the smaller pumkins." Sapnap bluntly said making Dream cry dramatically,"That was so mean!" Dream said fake crying causing Sapnap to roll his eyes at him. "What kind of pumpkin you want?" He asked Dream who shrugged. "I don't know,how about a white pumpkin a normal size one?" He suggested.  "Why a white pumpkin???" Sapnap said as the two walked over to the other colored pumpkins. "Because it'll be something different from the classic orange pumpkin ya know? Gotta switch things up a bit." Dream answers picking up a pumpkin checking to see if it was good or not then puts it back down and checks another pumpkin then decides that one was good to use. "We using that one?" Sapnap asked earning a nod from Dream,"Yep, she's perfect."he says as they bought that pumpkin along with two more pumpkins then went home to do some carving.

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