Philza come get your kids.

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"Boys,I need you to be on your best behavior." Philza said to his children  early in the morning as they were about to leave to do some shopping at Walmart. "No promises." Techno said causing Wilbur to quickly place a hand over his brother's mouth. "That's Techno's way of saying he'll be good!" Wilbur quickly said earning a sigh from their father who got a feeling that they shouldn't be trusted,but didn't because he wanted to hurry to the store before it got to crowded and all the sales are gone. They headed out the door and into the car,when they got to the store they got a buggie and immediately started to look around.  Philza doesn't know how it happened but when he looked away for one second his kids went  missing probably running off somewhere,letting out a sigh he had hope that his two teenagers were watching over the smaller boys and not causing any trouble somewhere. Suddenly On the intercom a voice spoke out saying how there were four children out in the parking lot who were chanting  the words war over and over, then begins to describe Philza's children. The man sighed again quickly ending his shopping early and paid for the stuff that he had so far,then collected his children scolding them on the way back home.

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