☕Hot Chocolate ☕

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Nihachu snuggles in her warm blanket as she watches the snow falling down outside she gently hums to herself as Wilbur sits down next to her setting down two cups of hot chocolate on the table,"It feels nice to be hanging out ya know? Especially without my annoying brothers constantly fighting each other and causing a racket. " he said. "Yeah,last time I was here Tommy was fighting with Techno about if Techno was right or not,they were so loud that your dad scolded them both for being to loud." Niki said with a small laugh. "Heh,sorry about that...my brothers are idiots sometimes,but sometimes my dad put him in charge when I'm the older one! It's not fair!" Wilbur said with annoyed sigh making Niki laugh again. "Awwww it's okay,that means you dont gotta watch over Tubbo and Tommy,and it's Techno's responsibility and not yours." She pointed out making Wilbur smile,"Heh,you know what you're right!" He said cheering up quickly then grab one of the cups and drinks some of it as Niki does the same. "After we're done drinking with our coco do you wanna build some snowmen??" Wilbur asked earning a nod from the other. "I would love too." Nihachu said with a smile.

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