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"Skeppy wait! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean for things to turn out like this or you to find out!" Dream said trying to get Skeppy to listen to him which didn't work because it cause Skeppy to be even more upset."No! The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up!" Skeppy shouted at Dream with tears running down his face,"I trusted you! I loved you,but yet that love wasn't real! You just cared about the money and if you were going to win that stupid bet!" He sobbed. "That's not true!" Dream said quickly resting his hands on Skeppy's shoulders,"I would never hurt you! I promise." Dream said. "You..liar... You say that but you bet that I wouldn't find out about you sleeping with that man and others! How can I trust you now?!" Skeppy cried harder. Dream went silent not answering the raven haired man who runs passed him leaving Dream alone by himself,"Fuck... I messed up.." Dream mumbles to himself.

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