🍭Handing or Giving out candy🍭

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Dream and Wilbur were just hanging out at Dream's house doing nothing much but watching Halloween specials or movies along with giving out candy if any trick or treaters came by."Dream,I'm bored." Wilbur said eating some candy from the bowl that was for the trick or treaters. "Same,how about we scare the trick or treaters while giving them candy?" Dream suggested. "Yeah sure." Wilbur said having nothing better to do. " We can scare them by dressing up like a mass killer then chase them and when we had our fun we give them candy." Dream said.  "Are you that bored that you must scare them?" Wilbur asked and Dream replies with a simple yes. "You're brutal." Wilbur said. "I know. Do I regret it? Nah." Dream said as he and Wilbur got up heading to Dream's closet and putting on a Jason mask along with some dark clothes to not give them away. They headed outside once they were ready setting the bowl of candy on the porch and hid in the bushes untill someone came along to take some.  They didn't wait long when some little kids came walking up to Dream's house  when they reached the porch Wilbur and Dream came out from the bushes angry screaming while holding a knife not planning on attacking them. The little kids screamed running away from them not looking or turning back either making the other near by kids not go to the house along with warning other children how there's scary men that'll hurt them if they touch the bowl of candy. "Guess we'll have alot of candy to eat." Wilbur said taking the mask off. "Yep,oh well at least I dont have to keep going back and forth to give out candy." Dream said picking up the bowl as he and Wilbur go back inside taking off the outfits and going back to watching tv and eating candy.

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