love is in the air 💕

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Technoblade has never been in love before, if he did he still wouldn't know what to do if he was in that position. He never even thought about being romantically attracted to someone  nor thought about his idea type, hell he didn't understand why some people only like that person for their looks,body,height,smarts,or whatever the reason that person is attracted too,he could care less around their looks or intelligence. If the person is happy with themselves and not trying to impress him then he could give them a shot if he wanted to,but he didn't want his awkwardness to get in the way so he just kept to himself ,until one day he saw the most beautiful thing in the world that made his heart flutter. "Excuse me.. where have you been all my life? I think I'm in love with you.." Techno said looking at the bag potatoes that was right in front of him. "Ummm dude those are potatoes.." Skeppy said judging his friend.  "Quiet! I'm trying to make my moves on them!" Techno responds. "This is why I don't take you with me when grocery shopping.." Skeppy said then leaves the other man to get other things.  "He's just jealous of our love.. ignore that simpleton. " Techno said looking at the potatoes with such love in his eyes.

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