🚶‍♀️🍂🍁Autumn Walk 🍁🍂🚶‍♀️

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Niki and Wilbur have been stuck in the house all day basically doing nothing so Wilbur decided that he and Niki would go for a stroll since they could use some fresh air which Niki quickly agreed since she had nothing going on. They left the house just walking around as the colored leaves fell around them,"Woahh! So pretty." Niki said looking at the trees along with the leaves on the ground making sure to step on them to make them do that crunching sound .Wilbur smiles at her reaction ,"You're just as pretty as them." He compliments her which in response she blushes looking away from him shyly,"Thanks" she said quietly. Wilbur smiled at her as the continue to walk for some time maybe about an hour or two before deciding to turn around and head home since the sun was setting and it was almost dark out. "I enjoyed the walk,especially with you keeping me company." Niki said with a small smile. "Yeahh,I enjoy it as well. When we get home would you like to get something warm to drink then watch Ghostbusters or something?"He asked as Niki nods in response,"I would love to." She answers.

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