🌬❄cold air 🌬❄

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Guys I voted for the first time today :0


The wind was blowing cold air and Skeppy decided to cuddle close to Bad as they sat outside,"Badd,it's soo cold!"the younger boy whines at his boyfriend. "Skeppy,I told you that you should of gotten a jacket." Bad said sighing then takes his fluffy black coat off and hands it to his boyfriend. "Thank you." Skeppy said smiling then puts the coat on. "Now I'm going to get cold because of you,muffinhead." Bad said to his lover. "Should of brought a jacket." Skeppy said with a shrug. "That is my jacket!!" Bad quickly said then shivers at the coldness.  Skeppy takes off the jacket feeling bad,"Here take it back." He said which Bad denies.  "No you're gonna get cold,if you get cold then you're gonna get sick,and I know how much you hate being sick." Bad said giving him a small kiss. "Bad,I feel bad please take it back." Skeppy insisted."Don't worry about me I'll be fine,I promise. " Bad smiles softly. "Fine...you better not get sick." Skeppy said giving in and puts the coat back on then cuddles close to him so that Bad could somewhat stay warm."Aww,you're worried about me." Bad happily said.  "Of course I am,you're the most important thing in my life,and I don't want to see you miserable. " The black haired boy said. Bad quickly hugs then kisses him,"Thanks for caring,I love you even if sometimes you are a muffin head." He said giving him another kiss. Skeppy returns the kiss,"heh yeah no problem, it's my job to worry about you. I love you too."he said.

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