Be Quiet 🤫

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As everyone was shouting at each other fighting over who the imposter was they didn't relize that not everyone was there aka Wilbur and George who were currently in admin making out. George lets out a moan as Wilbur grinds roughly against them,"Be quiet! Do you wanna get caught?" He asked then grins,"I bet that's what you want to happen. "He added causing George to blush. Wilbur then takes out a knife holding it to George's throat earning a gasp from the other,"Make one more noise and you're dead got it?" He said quickly earning a nod from George."I may be the imposter but I'm no monster. Do you want to continue this little game hmm?" Wilbur asked referring to their smexy time they were about to have. George gulps then slowly nods his head causing Wilbur to grin,"Good,now let's have some fun !~". Wilbur said excitedly.

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