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Dreams checks Sapnap's temperature with a thermometer then stares at it,"Dude you have a serious fever.” he said as George comes in with a bowl of soup,orange juice, and medicine. Sapnap laughs then coughs," Ha, it’s just because I’m so hot you can’t handle this.”he said jokingly causing George to roll his eyes at him. He sets the soup down then gives Sapnap some medicine making the raven haired boy gag at the taste of it then, hands him some juice to get rid of the taste. Sapnap coughs some more before taking the soup and starts eating it,"When I'm done eating will you guys cuddle with me in bed?" He asked then finish his soup quickly wanting cuddles right away. "No wayy dude. " Dream quickly shaking his head no. "Sorry,but I dont wanna get sick." George replies to him causing Sapnap to whine loudly,"Please? I'm sooo lonely!" He says causing the two to sigh before joining Sapnap in bed wrapping their arms around then. "Yesss! Thank you guys! You're a real one!" Sapnap said giggling as he nuzzles against George's neck."No problem " Dream said with a smile. "If you get us sick you're taking care of us." George said making Sapnap smile.

"Of course Goggy!"

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