Dress up

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Dream and Techno were passed out on the floor because Dream had promise that he would watch over Techno's little brothers with him,but they somehow fell asleep. Tommy looks at the sleeping men and grins ,"Tubbo,let's play dress up!" He said with a hint of mischievous in his tone. Tubbo smiles quickly agreeing ,"Who are we dressing up as?" He asked making Tommy's grin to grow. "Techno and Dream,of course!" Tommy answers as he quickly goes to Dream taking off Dream's mask along with taking sword.  Tubbo somehow took off Techno's cape that was on him along with taking his crown and sword. They put the items on and begin acting out as they were them ,"Look at me,I'm a dumb man with a big ego the size of Jupiter! I'm also great at speedrunning things but I'm not good at speed running relationships!" Tommy said swinging the sword around and along with joking around. Tubbo let's out a giggle,"My turn! Ummmm Technoblade....You also see me once in a few months then after I have shown up I'm gonna leave for a few more months!" Tubbo said giggling at his bad impression of his brother making Tommy giggle at him, causing the two grown man to wake up. Dream and Techno stared at the two boys,"What are you two doing?" Dream asked raising his eyebrow at the two boys."ummm playing dress up as you guys! Umm you guys are so cool." Tommy said making up a lie on the spot. "You two shouldn't be playing around with sword especially you Tommy, you're going to hurt yourself."Techno said getting up along with Dream and took their swords back so that they wouldn't injury themselves. "You guys hungry? " Dream asked earning small nods from Tubbo and Tommy. "Alright let's make you some food." Dream said with a smile as he heads in the kitchen with the three brothers following quickly behind him.

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