Cuddling near the Fireplace

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Bad and Skeppy cuddled each other as they sat close near the fire place inside of their home,their thermostat had broken leaving the house freezing cold. They had warm clothes on along with one of those blankets that heated up but that wasn't enough so they had lighten up their fire place and cuddled near that keeping warm. "Bad,we gotta get someone to come in to fix the thermostat tomorrow. It's to cold and I don't want to freeze to death because of it. " Skeppy said resting his head on Bad's shoulder along his legs wrapping around the other. "You won't freeze to death." Bad said.
"You don't know that!" Skeppy protested.
"Oh my goodness, fine we'll call someone tomorrow to fix it." Bad said. Skeppy kisses Bad and thanked him,"I guess we're sleeping in the living room tonight because my ass isn't gonna freeze tonight. "He said. "Language!" Bad quickly said nuzzling his lover ,"Fine,I won't disagree with that just because I to don't want to be cold nor want to be sleeping alone while you're down here keeping warm." He said making Skeppy smile then kisses him. "Aww." Skeppy said  giving his boyfriend another kiss,"let's stay like this for a few minutes then gets some pillows then cuddle some more then eventually go to sleep."Skeppy adds,and Bad had no problem with that idea either.

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