Warm Clothes

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It was getting cold out and Skeppy wanted to stay inside where it was warm,but unfortunately he had to go out and get some groceries along with other stuff. He gets up from  the bed going to his closet putting on some warmer clothes picking out a blue sweater, some sweat pants,and a black beanie. He then slipped his shoes on getting his wallet, keys,and phone then heads out of his room going downstairs where Bad was playing with the dogs. "I'm going to the store to get some things."  Skeppy said. "I think you should wear something more warmer. It has gotten chillier and I don't want you to catch a cold!" Bad said getting up. "Bad,I'm fine. No need to worry about me getting sick." Skeppy said looking at Bad. Bad opens the downstairs closet getting out some mittens and a black fluffy scarf then walked over to Skeppy putting the items onto him."Bad! I said I'll be fine." Skeppy insisted that he doesn't need that much warm stuff. "You'll thank me,now stop being so stubborn and keep this on untill you come back from the store." Bad smiles ignoring Skeppy stubbornest. Skeppy sighed out loud,"Fine.. I'll wear the stupid scarf and mittens.." he said giving in. "Glad you see it my way! While you're out can you buy treats for the rats?" He asked. "Yeahh sure whatever ." Skeppy replies. "Thank you!" Bad said smiling then quickly pecks his boyfriend's lips. Skeppy gives a kiss back before heading out the door closing it, the first thing he felt was the harsh wind blowing and that it had gotten colder. He shivered slightly and   thought how crazy it was that it got cold so quick,he was kinda glad that Bad gived him the scarf and mittens but he wouldn't admit that to Bad. Skeppy got to the store bought what he needed and came back home walking inside then closes the door,"Mann.. it was so cold outside.." he said to Bad who took some of the groceries, "I told you the scarf and mittens were a good idea!" He said grinning. "Yeah..fine you were right about that. Thanks for giving me the scarf and mittens." Skeppy said mumbling causing Bad to giggle at him then kissed him. "No problem,now let's put the stuff away then we can make some hot chocolate and watch a movie ." Bad said smiling. "Yeah,sounds like a good idea." Skeppy said agreeing.

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