Watching From Afar.

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Techno was watching Dream trying to get George under the mistletoe thinking how much of a simp Dream was, then he heard a voice and sighed when he realized it was Quackitys,"Hey there Techno!" He said with a smile. Techno didn't answer but kept watching Dream making an idiot of himself," Have you ever kissed someone? If you haven't who would you share your first kiss with?" Quackity then asked awkwardly not really knowing what else he should talk about or if he should leave. "It wouldn't be with you,I'll tell you that much. " Techno said bluntly to Quackity. Quackity stayed quiet for a second,"Do you want your first kiss to be with Dream?" He asked making Techno look back at him. Quackity quickly looks away breaking eye contact with Techno's strong gaze,"Sorry! I shouldn't have said that!" He said apologizing.Techno looks away with a sigh,"It was never meant to be,he loves someone else. I'm not going to take him away from George. I rather be lonely than hurt someone else for my own selfish reasons.." he answers Quackity.  "Wow for once you don't want to cause chaos,but it's probably for the best since you're probably a bad lover anyhow." Quackity said making Techno take his sword out and starts chasing Quackity who begins to run away from him.

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