Dinner Date

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Darryl sighed to himself this wasn't what he had in mind for a date with Zak,especially a date at Taco bell of all things. Darryl got all dressed up in a fancy tux because he thought his boyfriend, Zak,was gonna take him out to a fancy dinner date since he has the money for it but no Zak took him to a stupid Taco Bell and that annoyed him too. Zak wore nothing to fancy just some black jeans and hoodie.  "Geppy I thought we were going on a romantic dinner date not a Taco bell.." Darryl said slightly annoyed with his lover as Zak gasped offended by Darryl's words,"This is romantic and fancy! This is the highest of qualities of food! The finest in the world!" Zak said as Bad gives him a look of being done with his shit then sighed and forced a smile,"Yeahh you're right Geppy this is perfect,but I wish I would of dress appropriate for the occasion and not over dress.. I should of asked where we were having this date in the first place." Darryl said with a hint of disappointment in his voice which made Zak feel bad. "Baddddddd,I'm sorry,I was just kidding about having our date at Taco Bell!" Zak whined which Darryl tried to ignore but Zak kept calling his name and kept giving him kisses. Eventually like two seconds later Bad gives in and forgives Zak,"Mmm..I'm still mad at you though for taking me here and having me dress up this fancy for no reason.." he mumbles. "Well..umm how about we head to my house and I'll give you some clothes to wear so you don't gotta wear that suit for the whole time,and then we can cuddle and watch some Netflix or something like that?" Zak suggested then gives Bad some more kisses,which Bad hugged back in favor of that,"Mmh. Okay you muffin I would love to do that. " Bad said smiling then kisses Zak who giggles in returned. "But first I wanna order something from here then we can leave and head to my house." Zak said and Bad groans ,"Fine but don't take to long I want to get out of this suit and cuddle my baby." He said to Zak giving him a kiss."Alright will do! I loveee youu!" Zak said smiling and Bad playfully rolls his eyes at him and smiles,"I love you too you shortie".

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