✂️In Trouble ✂️

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Wilbur runs his hand nervously through his hair,"Dad,I have something to say...No that sounds to serious,Dad i have something to say and you will listen to me! No that one sounded to demanding. " he sighed trying to think of the best way to explain what he had done without getting in trouble. He knew his dad would find out what he did because he kinda gived his brother,Techno,a bad hair cut when he was sleeping because he was mad at Techno. He had cut his brother's hair alittle to short along with some uneven bits ,"Actually.. maybe if I run away then I won't get in trouble.. yeah that sounds like a plan." The nervous ten year old said now pacing back and forth then hears his dad immediately calling his name. "It's now or never!" Wilbur said opening the door and quickly runs down the hall  hoping he would get far but didn't because his dad immediately caught him when he tried to run passed Techno's door." Wilbur,why did you cut your brother's hair?" Philza asked holding Wilbur staring at him. Wilbur looks away trying  to get out of his father's grasp but that also failed because he was way stronger than him,"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to. I was angry at him for saying that he was your favorite child." Wilbur said being apologetic earning a sigh from his dad. "Will,you can't do that to someone just because you're mad at them that's not nice and also petty. When Techno is finish with his nap you're going to apologize to him. Do i make myself clear?" Philza asked. Wilbur nods,"Yes dad... what about his hair?" He asked. "I'm going to take him to the Barbour to get it fixed because I definitely know I'm not good at cutting hair." He said,"This will be a good and bad memory to remember. " he added with a smalll chuckle. "Come on,let's  go make some chocolate chip cookies to eat and to cheer up your brother whenever he wakes up." Philza said with a small smile making his son smile back. "Okay!" Wilbur said as they head to the kitchen to make some cookies.

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