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Clay and Dave were at the store  buying some stuff they needed for the house. Dave being the somewhat responsible one made a list on what they needed while Clay on the other hand just wanted snacks to eat and be alittle shit. Evertime Dave wasn't looking or paying attention to Clay, his lover would put something in the cart to see if Dave would notice which he didn't. "Tooth paste,Mouth wash, laundry stuff to get,ummm some other things." Dave said mumbling to himself as Clay just puts random shit in. It takes Dave about five minutes to realize that most of his cart was filled with snacks and stupid shit."Clay,we aren't getting all of this crap." He said starting to take some stuff out and just putting the unless items on the shelf not caring if it's  in the right place or not. Clay pouts ,"but we need it." He said trying not to laugh. Dave takes a nerf gun out of the cart and stares at his boyfriend,"Why the hell would we need this?" He asked. "Because it's nerf or nothing " Clay replies. "Why the hell did I ask you to be my boyfriend? I swear I lost alot of brain cells from that answer."  Dave said putting the gun near a box of honey buns. Once Dave was finishing going through the cart and taking out the unnecessary stuff,he decided today they had done enough shopping mainly because he didnt want Clay to put more random shit in the cart. "Alright,let's go." Dave said quickly walking to the self check out with Clay following behind all pouty like. "But Dave,I haven't gotten anything that i wanted! You took  everything I want out!" He exclaimed earning an eye roll from his boyfriend,"Clay,the only reason we're at the store is to buy stuff that we actually need. Why don't you use your own money to get the stuff that you want?" He asked. "It wouldn't be as much fun. If I did it  that then you wouldn't be annoyed at me and it would be boring.Clay said. "Ughh... you can have ONE thing. Chose wisely." Dave says. "Ummm okay,I choose to buy you then." He said earning a glare from Dave who quickly bagged his stuff then paid for it ignoring what Clay had said. He put the bags in the cart and starts walking away with Clay quickly following from behind,"Nooo!" He said whining."You're sleeping on the couch tonight for saying that." Dave said earning a laugh from Clay. "We all know you can't sleep without me." Clay said grinning.  "Wanna bet?" Dave asked which in response Clay shakes his head no,"No please , I wanna sleep and cuddle with you tonight."Clay quickly said wrapping his arm around Dave's."Please?" He said looking at Dave who rolls his eyes,"Fine,only if you make dinner tonight along with cleaning the dishes." He says. Clay sighs,"Deal." Dave gives Clay a kiss,"I love you nerd." His boyfriend grins at him,"I know,I love you too."

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