Little Techno

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Techno woke up from his nap then got out of his bed,heading to the living room, seeing his father sleeping on the couch with his hat on his face staring at him for a minute before heading quickly to the kitchen.  He moves the chair to the counter then climbs on it,opening the cookie jar and taking a cookie out from it,putting the lid back on. He jumps down from the chair then heads back to the living room with cookie in his hand. He climb at the end of the couch and sat there in silence as he eats his cookie,when finished he laid on top of his dad,putting his thumb in his mouth as he closes his eyes slowly going back to sleep.  Philza put his arm around Techno so he wouldn't fall off of him,they stayed like that untill  either Techno wakes up again or whenever it was almost time for dinner.

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