👻He's Gone👻

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Inspired by a  picture i saw on pinterest


Philza smiles as he talks to his son, Wilbur, with a smile acting like nothing had happen, "Dad! See I can fly now!" Wilbur said with a smile as he floats around him earning a small smile from his father. "Yes you can,I'm proud of you. Good job kiddo." Philza said. Techno happened to be walking passed his brother's room and sighs,"Philza?" He said not calling him dad,"Who are you talking?" He asked walking into the room staring down at his father. "I'm talking to Wilbur. Can't you see him?" Philaz asked as his eyes widen with shock. "He's dead..... " Techno said as tears begins to fall down his face,"He's fucking dead! Snap back to reality! He's never coming back!" He said falling to his knees and tried to wipe his tears away but more kept falling down his face. Philza hugs Techno tightly,",I know.. I still miss him. I know you and your brothers miss him too,I bet it's not easy on them either......" Philza said quietly crying as well. Wilbur silently listens  to them before giving them a hug knowing that they wouldn't be able to feel it.

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