🌶🔥Hot Sauce 🌶🔥

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"Do you love me Babes?" Quackity asked with a pout. Jschlatt hum in response,"Yeah,I do." He said. "Good drink that bottle of hot sauce! I dare you!" Quackily said with a smile. Jschlatt stares at Quackity ,"I don't love you that much,I'm not trying to put my mouth on fire along with making my ass explode." He said making Quackity burst out in laughter. "Just for that,you're not getting smexy time" Jschlatt took his pizza and left to go watch tv in their room.  Quackity quickly stops laugh immediately,"Babes! That's not funny!" He said bringing the box of pizza and followed behind Jschlatt trying to convince him for smexy time.

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