Couple Coustomes

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Halloween was in a few weeks and Bad wanted to be matching with his boyfriend or have matching outfits with him,and he thought about what they could be.Bad gets his phone out deciding to look on Amazon to see what kind of outfits they had on there,while he was scrolling through his phone he feels Skeppy sitting down onto his lap wrapping his arms around his neck," Whatcha doing?" Skeppy asked. "Nothing much,I'm looking at Halloween customes on Amazon. "Bad replies. "How about an angel and a devil?" Skeppy suggested. "Ooo! Yesss we should!" Bad said liking that idea,"I could be the Devil because I'm a bad boy!" He adds. Skeppy chuckles and rolls his eyes,"Yeahh sure you are,and I'm an angel even though I troll you non stop."He said.  "You're my angel and I love you even if you are sometimes a meanie." Bad said kissing Skeppy's head. " I love you too." Skeppy said resting his head on his lover's shoulder. "So are we going to be that for Halloween?" He asked.  Bad thinks for a moment then nods ,"Yeah! I picked out a perfect angel custome for you!" He said smiling and shows Skeppy the picture of the outfit,It was was a white crop top and a white skirt with wings and fishnet stockings. "Bad! Why did you choose this!?" Skeppy said blushing slightly.  "Because I think you would look cute in that." Bad said with a smile. "That's so embarrassing!" Skeppy said hiding his face in Bad's shoulder.Bad kisses the top of Skeppy's head,"Aww come on,you're cute and the outfit is cute. No need to be embarrassed of that." Bad insists. "The skirt is  so short though!" Skeppy pointed out. "What's the problem?" Bad asked causing Skeppy blush to darken. "Bad! You pervert!" Skeppy said. "I'm not a pervert! Is it so wrong to see my lover in a cute Halloween costume I picked out for him?" Bad asked."it is,when it's something like that!" Skeppy answers him. "Will it make you feel better if I just wear black pants with devil horns and tail without a shirt on ?" Bad asked. "It doesn't!!" His boyfriend said now can't getting the image of Bad just being in pants with no shirt on out of his head,"My heart and myself wouldn't be able to take that much excitment.. Can we do something more innocent?" Skeppy asked.  "Mmm I thought my outfits and idea was innocent. Well innocent for me,we dont have to go out of the house for halloween or give out candy we can just stay inside and have fun together. " Bad said wrapping his arms around Skeppy. "I've turned you into a monster." Skeppy said disappointed in himself ,then gives Bad a kiss. "See! I'm a bad boy now!" His boyfriend said. "I hate what you just said.. Can we just  talk about this later? I wanna snuggle." Skeppy said changing the subject . "Aww okay,but I'm not giving up on the outfit though!" Bad said kissing Skeppy. "Oh my goodness..." Skeppy imitates Bad. "Hey that's my line you muffin head!" Bad said pouting. "It fits in this context though!" Skeppy said with a smile. Bad chuckles ,"Yeah,you're right about that. "He quickly agrees with his boyfriend.

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