☂️☔🌂umbrella 🌂 ☔☂️

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Sapnap runs inside the store quickly,hiding from the rain . Looking around he spots the last umbrella that they had and was about to grab it but notice another hand going for it and looks up," Oh sorry,where you going to buy this?" He said shyly. "No worries you can have it!" A man with black hair said giving him a smile. "Are you sure? You look hella drench."Sapnap pointed out. "Mmmh! Yeah it's fine,I'll just go buy a poncho or a garbage bag to use if they don't have those,so don't worry about me!" He said. Sapnap nods giving the man a smile then takes the umbrella, "Ummm, I'm Sapnap nice to meet you."The raven haired man said. "Quackity,is my name. Nice to meet you too!"  The other said giving Sapnap a handshake already can tell that this was a new start to a brand new friendship.

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