🐽🐗Is something wrong with me?🐗🐽

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Techno sat on his bed pondering what was wrong with him,when he was with his partner he didn't really get those urges to be intimate in fact he didn't care for sex at all if anything it kinda made him uncomfortable,he prefer just giving his partner lots of kisses or hugs even though sometimes he gets shy about it. He didn't want his partner to hate him because of how werid he's been acting and thought sex was the only way of getting close with someone but it could also ruin a relationship making him even more scared. He jumps quickly when he hears the sound of knocking at his bedroom door,"C-Come in." Techno said nervously fiddling with his hands. Dream walks in and immediately notices his nervous boyfriend,sitting down by him and holds his hand,"What's wrong my little teacup? "he asked with concern.  Techno was silent he was scared to tell Dream about how he felt about sex and thought his boyfriend would take it the wrong way and leave him. Techno was so lost in thought he didn't even notice that he had started to cry,Dream quickly hugs his boyfriend giving him kisses while pettingTechno's ears to calm him down some."It's okay,take your time." Dream whispers,giving Techno some more kisses then cuddles him in his arms . About thirty minutes passed and everytime Techno would tried to talk about what he was feeling he instantly broke down and starting to cry again afraid of what Dream would think of him. Dream didn't care how long he waited,he would hold Techno in his arms untill he would calm down and was ready to talk to him without crying,he cared for this man and seeing him like this hurt Dream even more. An hour passed Techno had eventually talk to Dream about what he was feeling  which made him cry some more but also made him feel better that he told his boyfriend about it.  Now here they were cuddling together under the blanket, "Techno,it doesn't matter if we have sex or not. I love you for you,not for your body or whatever.  I'm perfectly fine with cuddles and kisses." Dream said softly kissing Techno. Techno gives Dream a nod and slowly drifts off to sleep after all that crying, the last thing he heard was Dream saying that he loved him.

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