laundry day

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Today was laundry day which meant it was Clay's turn in doing laundry for him and Vincent,and if he didn't then he would never hear the end of it from his French boyfriend . Clay knew Vincent was working on a video so he decided to relax and watch some TV since he knows how long it takes to edit sometimes. When thirty minutes pass Clay kept saying to himself thirty more minutes then he'll get up and do the laundry. Two hours passed and Vincent had finished editing and posting his video on youtube.He went downstairs and notice Clay just chilling on the couch watching some Animal Planet and watching Most extreme.Vincent stares at him putting two and two together since he knows his boyfriend doesn't like doing things right away and hates doing laundry and sighed,"Babe,did you put the clothes in the wash?" Vincent asked which Clay didn't respond because his mind was to busy on the TV. Vincent repeats the question alittle louder and with a hint of irritation in his voice . Clay slightly jumped then looks at Vincent then remembers the clothes that he didn't put in the washing machine,"Ummm heh no. Sorry I forgot! I'll do it right away." He said not to annoy his boyfriend anymore than he already has,and got up from the couch and quickly grabbed the basket of clothes along with some clothes that were on the ground and put them in the basket.Clay head to their laundry room putting their clothes in the washer then he adds the  soap ,and close the door of the machine, and then starts it . Clay then goes back to the couch and sits down next to his boyfriend who wrapped his arms around Clay and rests his head onto his shoulder."Thank you for putting the clothes in the washer finally, you know you would of waited the last minute or leave them there untill I put them in the washer myself." Vincent said. "Oh I know,trust me I do. If i did that you would rip me a new one." The taller boyfriend said chuckling then kisses Vincent who in response kisses back. "Since we have plenty of time untill the clothes are finish sooo in the meantime we can have some fun!" Clay said with a mischievous grin which causes Vincent to blush at his lover, then Clay attacks his boyfriend with kisses pushing him down onto the couch and that's where the fun begins and on the same day after the clothes were cleaned and dried Clay thought to himself thinking that maybe Laundry day isn't that bad after all then cuddles his sleeping boyfriend and goes to sleep himself.

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