How the Blob tried to steal Christmas

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Blob amgery,Blob very amgery.

The little blob didn't like Christmas because he had no one to share it with along hating to see everyone happy and in the holiday spirt,so the blob tried to take all the gifts and food but couldn't because they were to big for him to steal so he sat in the corner amgery not wanting to talk to anyone. "You're being so dramatic little guy." Dream said sighing as he picked the blob up,"You're only angry because I didn't give you hot chocolate,i told you it needs to be cool down and you have to wait. I don't want you to burn yourself." He adds. he carry the blob to the kitchen sitting it down on the table,which the blob turned around and refusing to look at dream. "I guess I'll drink all this hot chocolate by myself then,if you are to angry to look at me." Dream said quickly making the blob turn around and looking at him with tears in it's eyes. "Just kidding. " Dream said getting a clean cap from an old milk jug setting it in front of the blob,then gets his cup of hot chocolate and pours it in the cap filing it up,"There you go little buddy." Dream said then takes a sip from his cup. The blob lifts the cap up carefully and drinks the hot chocolate then sets it down giving Dream a smile.

Blob happy,Blob very happy.

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