i still love you (2)

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Tbh I wasn't gonna do a part two but Gamerluna44 requested it,so here ya go 😂😂😂😂

Hope you like it-😂


Dream bangs on Sapnap's door shouting his name,he didn't care if he was disturbing the neighbors or not he wanted to see if the boy was alive or not. He bangs on the door for about three minutes before finally hearing the door unlocking and Sapnap peeking out the door slightly."Dream,why are you here?" Sapnap asked weakly. "I'm here to see you! No one has heard from you for weeks! " Dream said with concern in his voice. "Yeahh.. I'm fine,you can leave.." Sapnap said with his voice slightly cracking. "You're not fine.. You can't fool me.  Open the door and let's talk okay?" Dream said. Sapnap slowly opens the door with puffy eyes and dried lips,"...Before we do, If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart..please..I .I just need a hug.." he said as Dream quickly hugs the man tightly who cried into Dream's chest.  Once Sapnap was finishing crying they went inside to talk,"..So that's what happen...that asshole! "Dream said being pissed off "You deserve someone better! I'm so sorry that happened to you. If he shows himself around you again I'll beat him up" He said cuddling Sapnap on the couch. Sapnap chuckles lightly,"You don't gotta do that.." he said sniffing alittle feeling better. Dream kisses the top of Sapnap's head,"Oh I am,no one messes with my baby boy making him cry and gets away with it!"he said. Sapnap slightly blushes at that,"Dream.. thanks for checking up on me and comforting me." He said quietly but loud enough for the other to hear. Dream smiles and gives him a small kiss on the lips,"I'm always here for you,now let's get you something to eat you look terrible." he said jokingly causing Sapnap to laugh alittle. "Heh,yeah alright."

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