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George walks into his house and saw that his two boyfriends were decorating the house in Christmas stuff and notice that Dream was hanging up mistletoe and saw Sapnap purposely walking under it,"Uh ohh,Drweam you gotta kiss me now!!" Sapnap said with a giggle making Dream smile as he gives Sapnap a kiss and see George,"George come over here! We gotta tell you something!" Dream said excitedly. Geroge wasn't going to fall for it and shook his head no,"I'll pass,I need to do some editing." He said immediately making the other two whine and begged him to get under the mistletoe. George sighed and walks  over to them under the mistletoe to make his boyfriends happy and immediately got kiss by them all over. "Now kiss us back George!" Sapnap said. George gives both Sapnap and Dream kisses earning happy noises from them as they got kisses from him. "Thank youu George!" Dream said happily.  "Now whenever you're under the mistletoe we can kiss you!" Sapnap said giggling then kissed his boyfriend once more. "Do I have a choice to say no?" George asked earning a chuckle from both of them and took that as a no.

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