Blood bath (🔪)

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The Goreness and angsty stuff are for the rest of October I'll be posting fluff some point in nov,also alittle warning this might be graphic alittle or disturbing.  Feel free to skip this!


George tugged at the  ropes that were tied around his hands and feet as he watches in horror as Dream was was killing his friends one by one then dragging them to where the bathroom was and putting them into the  tub letting them die in the tub from blood lost. Sapnap and George were the last ones still alive,well for now. Sapnap was knocked out for most of the events that happened, even George himself didn't know if Sapnap was still alive or not,but he was next. Dream gets a power saw slowly cutting into Sapnap who doesn't respond to it,"Dream! Stop it!" George screamed out tears falling down his face as he watches his ex best friend now killing their best friend right in front of his own eyes and the worse part is Sapnap isn't even responding to it. "Why are you doing this?" George cried out. Dream doesn't answer but keeps sawing eventually cutting  off an arm from Sapnap. George tried to wiggle away but failed as  Dream stops what he was doing and goes over to George,"If you keep trying to run from me. It'll be even worse for you." Dream said  making George stop wiggling around.  George knew he was doomed there was no way out of this, all of his friends were dead and he was next. George closes his eyes as Dream came back for him  holding a diamond axe then begins chopping him up causing George to scream out  in agony. Soon enough George laid dead on the floor with pieces of him here and there,and Dream with a big grin on his face feeling accomplished of what he had done.

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